This week I want to take a journey down memory lane. Sherri Winston’s President of the Whole Fifth Grade, was one of my favorite books as a kid. My mom and grandma often bought me books that pertained to my age at the time, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I actually read this book in the fifth grade.
Brianna (the main character) is a black girl with big beautiful curly hair like mine. She is smart, ambitious, and can even bake! As many of you may know, fifth grade and middle school can be quite challenging in the friend department. There were many ups and downs as we try to find the right group of friends and fit in. Fifth grade wasn’t easy, but this book made sense of it. Winston's fun and sweet novel was extremely comforting, especially because Brianna felt like a friend going through a lot of the same fifth grade drama I went through. In my opinion, the best part about this book is that Brianna looked like me! I think it’s very important for kids to read about girls and boys that look like them and are a main character with a positive role. It made a huge difference in my life and my personality, I even ran for fifth grade student government. Though I didn’t win, I still tried and stepped out of my comfort zone, which is a great experience for all kids.
I absolutely love love LOVE this book and hope you guys love it too!! Special shoutout to all my fifth graders, have a wonderful school year!
Happy reading!